I will preface this review by saying I'm a die hard Trader Joe's fan! Don't like Whole Foods, Fresh Market Publix ect. We had just eaten at Viva Chicken and the wife wanted to walk next door to see if prices had came down since Amazon took over "Whole Paycheck!"
She said she did notice lower prices some items and found a very reasonable priced organic wine, but I saw no difference. This place is still uber expensive!
There was an Italian meat in the deli that was $28 a pound and cheeses at $14-15 a pound.
Small bags of snack foods at $3.99 a bag and bulk candy was $10 a pound. I love Malted Milk Balls but not that much! Take home ready to cook meals at prices where you might as well have gone out to eat!
The only reason I will ever go back into this place again is we discovered a Growlers Beer Pub in here and the wife and I had a few really good beers that night.