First revolving... conveyor belt.. Japanese style sushi place.. and yep, i am truly a fan! centrally located in the asian parts of las vegas and it wasnt really hard to find. parking is easy, but i can see it getting packed during the rush hours. i walked right in and noticed immediately that this place is going to be interesting. not so congested sitting area as they have booth style seating which could fit 6 average size adults comfortably next to the belts. servers are very friendly although they didnt really explain how the process works. luckily i have been to other conveyor belt style sushi places in hawaii and japan so i knew how it worked. basically there are pre made dishes on the belt that you can grab at anytime and feast. if you dont see anything you want or something you want more of.. you can use the tablet that is stationed on the table to order your food.. you can also request more water from the tablet also... everything on the belt is $2.50.. while the price seems low (ive seen lower) the plates can really start adding up to hefty check.. food quality was great as you really dont know how long the dishes have been sitting on the belt.. (im guessing 30 mins tops - before they discard it).. but if you order from the tablet.. it will be freshly made and shuttled over to you by a small cart that zooms on top of the belts and straight to your table.. (pretty cool - if its your first time experiencing it).. other than that.. i would eventually make my way there again.. and hopefully next time they have added additional items...