| - Problems: (1) PRICE RIPOFFs -- they offer savings on items from their online app/website, but then charge full price at the cash register.
This is happened to me on five different items in the last three months. At the service desk, they always are willing to refund the difference without any resistance, which suggests they know what they're doing.
And the price discrepancies are always one way, always 100% in favor of the store and never in favor of the customer. I wonder how many millions of people throughout the Albertson's/Safeway family of companies are being ripped off like this every single week. Annually, the company is probably making several hundred million dollars by not honoring the discounts they're offering. It's good business -- for profits, but not for customers.
(2) BAD TASTING PREPARED FOOD in DELI and BAKERY. Most of what they make in the bakery in the way of cakes and anything with cream fillings and/or frostings is pretty bad tasting and even a bad mouth feel -- tastes like mouthfuls of sickly sweet hydrogenated vegetable fat (like whipped Crisco straight from its can).
Members of my family who shop at other Safeway stores have said the same thing and none of us ever buy any sweet items from the bakery anymore (except for the cookies, they're good).
The deli's cooked items, like chicken, taters, ribs, etc. all taste stale, bland, poorly processed, and/or past their expiration date.
Soooo, if you want bad tasting bakery or deli food, and you want to be ripped off at the cash register, Safeway's your store.