| - It pains me to leave IHOP a 2 star review. IHOP, in the past and going back many years would get nothing less then 5 stars.
Lots of good memories eating here while much younger and as I got older. Lots of good memories taking my own family there, with no worries of the normal long wait on weekend mornings sitting outside waiting for your name to be called.
That long wait was frustrating for most but for me, it was a good thing. If we didnt have the time to wait, no prob, we go elsewhere. If its a lazy day, the wait was a good thing. Its hard nowadays to spend quality time with your family. Heck, its hard to spend any time with your family nowadays. Everybody is busy, everybody has things to do, everybody has an iphone/etc attached at their hip. So even having the time, whether sitting at ihop or at your own table in the kitchen. Everybody is glued to their phones/ipads etc.....
My rule was simple. No smart phone/ipad use while in a car. Even if your not driving. While you may not be driving, guaranteed the driver is pre-occupied with the 3 other people in the car yapping about this FB post, that thing on twitter, this email/ to and/or from so and so.....and etc
2nd, all phones/tablets etc are off during 'family time'. Period. We have enough hours in the day to click on our phones.
Back to IHOP. I hate one of my all time favorites is now not even an option we consider any more.
Was never concerned about slow service. Good things were meant to wait for. Every table full, a 1 hr wait for a table, the servers are swamped. Not the servers fault. Not the restaurants fault that so many like it they are willing to wait an hour for a table.
To me, this was a great time to spend with my family. While looking forward to a terrific breakfast.
However, now, many terrific items are no longer even on the menu. Most everything is now far higher in price. I accept and understand that. In fact, I expect it.
But quite simply, the food has gone downhill. I dont mind that everything now is twice the price. But I do expect the food to be the same.
They still have great pancakes, crepes, etc....But what happened to these terrific large, stuffed omelets? Ok, so they are now twice the price. Ok, they dont come with a stack of large pancakes. They now come with 2 very small pancakes. No problem. But they went from 3 large egg's in each omelet, stuffed/filled with whatever ingredients your omelet comes with, to 3 medium eggs with half the ingredients, and now, not sure. My last 2 visits, I went with my normal 'go to' omelet and my family went with their go to items (french toast, crepes, pigs-n-blankets, fruit, burgers etc..). We always left stuffed and normally with a large doggy bag, other then crepes, pigs-n-blankets, fruit, which could be eaten in one sitting...tasty satisfied and filled up, no need for doggy bags.....
Not the case anymore. Omelets are 75% higher in price, half the size, half the fillings, 2 small pancakes and no need for a doggy bag. Normally, you are quite filled up after 1/2 your omelet and half the pancakes. Now, your plate is 100% cleared.
The burgers? We used to get 1 of 3. Monster bacon, Monster bacon with egg, or just a regular monster, with your choice of side. We always went with the fries or the Potato soup.
The burgers were huge....ample side of fries or large side of soup....You would be stuffed after eating half.
Like the omelets, you now no longer need a doggy bag for the burgers. They dont even offer the monster burger with egg and some others. You can get them for $3-$5 more, but even then, its not filling. half the fries or 1/4 the soup as well.
Very disappointing. IHOP, always a staple/look forward to family event on weekends, when I was young and as olderwith my own family, is now off the list. Even the kids no longer want to go there, let alone look forward to it all week long. In the better days, even I thought $3 or $4 for chocolate milk and the same $'s for a glass of OJ was excessive. But 100% acceptable. After all, they are in biz to make money and you are paying a premium to sit and relax as somebody else cooked and served the food that filled your belly and your families belly and it was worth every penny. But even now, that Large Chocolate milk, used to be large and obviously Hershys. The OJ, was still expensive back then, $2.50 for a small 2 gulp glass or $4+for a large, which as most know is easily guzzled quickly.
Now, while it still tastes like hersheys, the choc milk is basically triple in price. The small is not enough for a toddler, the large is half the size of what the small was awhile back at twice the price, both with obviously much less hersheys syrup in each. The OJ, the same, itsy bitsy cups at 3 times the price, and I hate to say this, but they are watering it down very obviously.
Its sad a staple in our lives is no longer.....
Go with Cracker Barrel Or Stacks. Tad pricey, but honestly, both are worth twice what they charge & the food is GR8!