| - I have always liked Victoria's Secret. Other than the silk boxer short I once bought that ripped apart after like 3-4 washes (good thing I only bought one!), everything else I have purchased has been good quality. I also shop on their website every so often and have bought some nice sweaters and jackets.
This store is really tiny and didn't have much of a selection! I was really just browsing to kill time, but I doubt I will return to this location. Here's the thing that really annoyed me. One of the older employees who spoke with an accent followed me around and kept nagging me to open an Angel Credit Card.
Employee: "Hi, are you Filipino?"
Me: "No, I'm Japanese."
Employee: "Oh Japanese, well, we're both Asian."
Me: "Uh-Huh." (and what?)
Employee: "You want to open an Angel Credit Card?"
Me: "No thanks."
Employee: "Oh come on, the credit card is good. You can save your cash and you can use the card at any Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body store."
Me: "No thank you."
Employee: "Oh come on, you earn points and rewards with the card and you can buy anything."
Me: "I DON'T want a credit card, but thank you."
Employee: "Oh come on, let's get you a card, we can do good credit, bad credit, no credit..."
Me: *rolled my eyes at her and started to make my way to the door*
Employee: "Oh come on......"
First of all, don't even for one second think that I'm going to open a card and have you get credit/commission/whatever for it just because I'm Asian like you. I hate it when people come up to me and say stuff like "Are you Filipino?" If they are THAT curious, why can't they just ask "What ethnicity are you?" (instead of assuming) and why does it matter anyway? Second, I'm sure most people know that their credit card has a sky high APR. I don't care if it comes with "rewards" it's not worth it. Third, please learn to speak proper English lady, you can't start every sentence with "Oh come on..."
Ughh! Ladies, don't even waste your time here, go to the store located in The Forum!