if there was an minus, minus, minus on here I would circle/check it. was explained 30 day notice & fee paid upfront stating I wouldn't have to pay for the last month since I paid it up front; I clarified this at least a few times to make sure I wouldn't have any "hidden" expenses. Less than a few months in... gave my PLUS 30 day notice - was charged ANOTHER $59. They said the included it on the end of the contract after 30 days given - NOT explained that way; AGAIN, I even clarified this BEFORE signing on. Despite it all.... I was told, "oh well, too bad - that's just how it works"
was stupid enough to buy trainer (2 sessions) - NO SHOW, and they claimed they weren't responsible if their contract trainers didn't show. 'can't be helped' was their excuse for that.
NOW we can all know ways they make up for their cheap fee, cheap service, cheap facility, and even cheaper scruples nor do they care to even attempt to make things right.