My family has been coming here for about two years probably about 2-4x's a month. Same location. It's always been pretty good breakfast and service but the last handful of visits the service has gotten worse. This last visit I walked in the front doors and wait behind a couple of people in line to put my name in for a table and some older whites guys walks up and bypasses the line to get a name if first. The only response I get from the hostess is "were you waiting to put a name in for a table?" In pretty sure I had a WTF look on my face.
I only mention "older white guy" because I do see this white privilege entitlement around town. Mostly by "older white guys" and other middle aged white guys I would assume is the off spring of the older ones. Many times I confront them about cutting in line for things and they just throw their hands up like "I don't know."
So in short, my family will frequent cracked eggs a lot less.