I want to shop local . I appreciate the fact that my local purchase support local people. But I am not sure Next is really interested in my business.
The line on a Wednesday was 4 or 5 people in , which first made me think it must be a great place. but then after watching , I am think it's just a matter of workers who are interested in being helpful . They appeared to just leisurely make the orders with little enthusiam or interest. When I got to the counter I had a few questions . I was wonderfing about their holiday flavor , if it could be blended etc . But I felt as though getting info or suggestions was like pulling teeth. I felt embarrassed like I was inconvincing him but I then I remembered I was paying them to make my order.
When the equally apathetic barista made my order she also refused to intereact or say anything to me. As I gave her my sweetest Polly Anna smile she may have even grunted at me. I hate grunters. Guess the big chain will get my bucks next time.
Please NEXT make an effort to engage the customer and try using those nifty words , thank you , please and your welcome ....maybe even , glad I can help....