Don't waste your money. Long wait on phone when trying to get a status and really poor service vendors. Bad experience on appliances, water heater and now the air conditioner. Opened a service ticket yesterday, received email of assigned vendor, one hour later another email it was reassigned to another vendor. Did not hear from the vendor so I called today and was told they can't help this week and will call me next week to let me know when they can come out. I called 2-10, waited a long time, and stated there is a medical situation and this is putting someone in the house at risk. Was told it was escalated as an emergency and someone will call within 4 hours. Check the online status a few hours later and I see the 3rd vendor they assigned closed the work order as completed! Going out of network and using my own A/C guy at the risk that 2-10 will jack me around and not reimburse. 3rd strike with these guys.