hit and miss - first encounter went great - 2nd encounter not as good. wanted a tub plug replaced and person said they would have to go thru wall - i also have a uni style tub shower that would of been destroyed. i told him i have had plugs replaced before w/o drilling thru a wall. he showed me how to operate plug so i could clean it. it cost $107 for him to show me how to remove plug in and the sink - he started cleaning the tub drain and i told him stop i would do it - the sink was clear. so in essence i paid 107 for him to show me how to operate plug for cleaning. good to know - i appreciated that. what freaked me is the thought of replacing a tub/show and doing plaster work to install a plug. anyway depends on who you get - i think it is a good company overall. the first plumber i had seemed more knowledgeable and installed a sink faucet. sometimes you need a plumbing company and sometimes just one handy plumber who knows their way around.