| - It is no exaggeration to say this place saved my life. After four years and 28 doctors (including Mayo Clinic in Rochester and specialists in San Fran, Pittsburgh, Denver, and Boulder . . . you name the "ologist" I saw them) I was faced with non-stop pain and my hope quickly disappearing. NO ONE had any answers. And believe me, I had looked, researched, tested obsessively. My life was a daily struggle. Digestive issues, lyme disease, sleep disorders, RLS, unbelievable fatigue, brain fog . . . I was a shell of my former self. I was struggling with the basic activities of daily living - showering, finding food to eat, going up the stairs. I now go skiing, running, surfing you name it. I am working again, have the energy to socialize. This place did things no other doctor came CLOSE to doing for me. A lot of clinics have huge marketing teams to make them look good . . . but when you get down to it patient's rarely if ever actually see their doctors, they are mills, businesses. ACBM is the exact opposite. ACBM is focused on THEIR PATIENTS. Dr. Thom REALLY cares. ACBM and everyone who works there breaks the mold in terms of treatments offered, actual care for the patient, patient access, and results. It doesn't matter WHAT is wrong with you - ACBM focuses on strengthening your body to combat whatever it is fighting. I have never had a doctor listen so incredibly well and work so incredibly hard as Doctor Thom. He treats me with respect. We are a team. I returned to several other doctors after my initial time at ACBM. Their thoughts? "The guy is a genius. I don't know how he got you this much better, but if I were you I would do whatever he says." I couldn't agree more. The patient focus here is beyond amazing, the knowledge unparalleled, and the results follow. No unnecessarily fancy facility or hype, just everything needed to get the job done. They have so many unconventional treatments at this place I can't really begin to describe it. Different than anything else you have tried so far. If you are looking for a "quick fix" keep going to your western MD's and letting them give you pills that muffle your symptoms but ultimately make you sicker. If you want to slowly, actually heal your body from the inside out - this is your place. It is a longer journey, but their are no shortcuts to obtaining REAL health.