| - I have not been to many airports in my life, but I have to say this is my least favorite. I have yet to step foot into terminal 1, so my main and only experience with this airport is what I have seen and experienced in arriving and departing from terminal 2.
Terminal 2 could definitely use a makeover, facelift, or renovation. This particular terminal doesn't seem as classy, modern, or refined, as it should be since it's "representing" the city of Las Vegas, where at some hotels you can experience the "ultra" in modern luxury. The TSA is not so friendly but they get the job done at least. There are hardly any food places to choose from at this terminal either. Your best choices are a pizza hut, burger king, or the typical airport snack/concession/magazine kiosk/stand.
Lastly, the seating areas could use more seats/chairs. I noticed a lot of people standing along the walls or sitting down because there weren't t enough chairs to go around.
Bottom Line: Boo to you, Terminal 2.