if you have a sick loved one, please go elsewhere. On the 13th of March, my friend of 25 yrs went in for the Whipple procedure. (She had a mucinous tumor that causes pancreas cancer). On the 14th she was up and walking and feeling ok, on the 15th kind of droopy, on the 16th all her labs went downhill. They took her in for a 4 hour exploratory/repair surgery to see what happened and she'd developed a blood clot in the portal vein they'd placed. Why wasn't she given blood thinners going in? Since her blood pressure was already low they TRIED to place a bp sensor in her groin but broke it off inside her and the attending was afraid to try it again. They were reading it wrong anyway. (This was ICU where I thought they kept the pros-also had a Russian nurse who couldn't untangle the myriad lines they had her plugged into). They put her on meds to increase bp and probably stroked her out. Her kidneys and liver failed She never came out of it. She was taken off life support on 3/20 at midnight surrounded by her children and her friends. She was only 60.