| - I came into drop my jeep off prior to my son's basketball game. Upon arriving and waiting to let them know I would be back a gentlemen possibly named- Denny rudely said, Mam, sit down it will be a while!" (without asking me if I needed help or even saying hello) I proceeded to say that I wanted to get an oil change and drop my jeep off and be back in an hour after my son's basketball game down the street. He replied again rudely, We don't do drop offs." (which was hardly the case because I have dropped my jeep off many times at this Jiffy Lube) After I explained this he rudely said ok and walked away. I wanted to leave at this point but didn't want to be late to my son's game. I came back about 10 minutes later because I had forgotten the snacks for my son's team in the back of my jeep. When I came back my jeep was parked across the parking lot as though it was done. I said, Is my jeep already done? It can't be, it's only been 10/15 minutes and you said you were busy." He said it was. I explained I needed to grab snacks out of the jeep and I'll be right back in about 40 minutes when my son's game is ended. He rudely responded, "So you can you pay now?" I repeated again what I had previously said about 4 times now and on my way to the car I was driving, he yelled, "So when are you coming back?" Even though again I stated as nicely as I could, "In 40 minutes." He said, "Are you coming back before tomorrow?" (Very RUDEY I might add) I could not believe this. After coming back and paying in 40 minutes like I said, he stated "Oh we vacuumed and cleaned your car." Funny. See below for pictures. I will never again come to this Jiffy Lube and possibly not even another one as I cannot believe this guy is still employed. If I could I would give this no stars.