Dr. Lewis is the best OB/GYN ever. She has delivered my 3 babies and I literally miss her now that I only see her once a year. I've recommended her to all of my friends and they all love her too. I've been through deeply sad times and incredibly happy times in her office, she and her staff have been amazing and supportive through it all. She has coached me through pushing 2 huge babies out and when I needed a C-section with my 3rd she made it so fun and carefree. She had music going and made it such a fun experience. It almost makes me want another baby-almost.
She owns her own practice and is the only doctor in her office. That means she is the one that delivers the babies, not a colleague. So you might have to have your appointment rescheduled or wait till she gets back. Be patient, she is worth the wait.
If you want a great doctor, with tons of experience, you need not look further. You'll be so glad you read this review and booked an appointment....new patients you will need to book months into future so call now, but once you're not new, you get in when you need to.
If you can't wrap your mind around the fact that it's a one woman show and can't be patient, you probably don't deserve the greatness that is Dr. Lewis.