UNLV has a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot everytime they start to make an inch of progress. The football team plays dismally but at least our basketball team is on their way to the tournament once again! (after years and years of disappointment..) UNLV desires to become a "research university" but severely lacks the funding. That, and our prick governor Gibbons wants to cut back Nevada education even further; we will be catapulted into 5th tier rather than just 3rd tier.
The job fairs held on campus are generally a joke and there is virtually no student life whatsoever.The parking is a total mess and they ticket you for letting your meter run out of money as soon as it happens! (The parking meter lot is swarming with students ticketing other students in their golf carts). The parking passes are expensive and they bully you around, asking you to leave your PAID parking at the slightest notion of an event (rodeo, disney on ice, etc)
I wont even comment on the Vegas weather; walking from free parking to class for summer school is not even worth trying if you care for your hygiene!
As hard as you work here you'll always be viewed as a Vegas graduate, which many people regard as useless. They suck all your money away and render you incapable of finding a job you can apply your degree to. UNLV is a bureaucracy of the worst sort! The only plus I see is we have a lovely arboretum...