This place is the ABSOLUTE WORSE. Don't let the nice bath tub fool you. Its SUPER GHETTO Aka you will get shot. The police are ALWAYS around arresting someone.There's nothing but teenagers so you know what means... The Pools are outrageously DISGUSTING they don't have a pool boy, the gym is always vandalized and have graffiti on the walls, some Hispanic and Asian kids use the Tennis courts as a Soccer field& if you don't have a washer and dryer your out of LUCK. Its so nasty there was vomit on floor everywhere &out of 30machine only maybe 4 work! They have a bad ROACH Problem. Matter fact its a ROACH INFESTED HOOD apartment building I just moved out a couple of days ago because my baby pick up roach... Liberty village CUSTOMER SERVICE sucks no one ever available to help and they change staff EVERY WEEK no joke. All I can say is DONT DO IT. They're are Highly UNPROFESSIONAL & you won't like anything but the price of rent and its NOT WORTH IT!! Continue your search is my Best advice.