ya know, everything was perfect. the staff, the food. EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE SODA/SLUSHY MACHINE(s). What is this? McDonalds? Do you know how hard i had to press the screen to choose a drink on your machines? VERY HARD. When I go to the movies I expect the drinks to be up to par. The Sprite tasted like fruity loops & the coca cola tasted like flat pepsi. Wtf is that all about? I know drinks might not be at the top of your priorities at the Movie Theaters, but when I sit down and taste garbage dog shit coming out of my straw, it makes me not wanna come back to your place. All i'm asking is you stay on top of that. It's the little things that matter. NOBODY gives 2 F$&%'s if the carpet is ripped or popcorn was everywhere....as long as the damn drinks are up to standards. Take a drink of your drinks for god's sake. (not just the bottom floor machines and declare "oh well these are good so the rest of the drinks must be good!?!) im looking at you day time managers and night time managers, because this is on you. normal employees dont give a single F & if you think they do, you are delusional. get it together. shit. I shouldn't have to write a review. you guys should just automatically know this. it's customer service 101. REMEMBER this: "we go to the movies for the experience, NOT the atmosphere"