Even though there is an Albertsons / Sav-On closer to me, I come here quite a bit. It is much cleaner and in a better neighborhood than the one on Nellis & Vegas Valley. I would come here more often but I have to drive further and through a school zone that can be tedious and eternal. If the city would make Sloan a through road and connect it to Vegas Valley, this would be my store. But, here is my review from just this trip:
I always find that the parking here is great. I never see carts strewn across the lot and the lighting is comfortable and gives you a safe feeling. Walking in, there are always tables set up with items that are on sale, and in the Sunday ads. I walk by the Starbucks that was closed, as it was late that evening. My objective this night was to find Nutella and Marshmallow creme for a dish that I was making for the Sake' potluck. I had no idea where those items would be so I went on a pilgrimage through the store. I found the marshmallow creme with no problems but, the Nutella was hiding someplace. I ended up asking an employee and she walked me to the aisle and pointed it out for me. The whole way she was talking to me, laughing and was very witty. That always makes my night. Someone who obviously likes her job and is great with people. Albertson's - hell any place that deals with people need employees like her. I wish I knew her name, but being laser focused on the job at hand, I didn't find out. Check out was easy and off I went.
I give the place 4 stars as I hate the drive from my place.