Not rating them at all a bunch of scammers took my car in to get the leaking fixed that was dripping on the passenger side the guy said it will take about two days ok so I prepared to my surprise they called a few hours later said it was ready I was shocked ok picked it up a day or two later the leaking started up luckily the guy said he wouldn't charge me if it was brought in within the week so I did to make sure they corrected their mistake after all I paid $800 for this. Took my second car in because it was squeaky and they said I had a leaked the gasket part ok we dropped it off and said it will be about a $2000 job ok so we had them fixed it we had to leave it in for a week after it was done until we came up with the funds went back paid it off drove it home and again the squeaky noise came back took it back they said they would have to charge me $30 for the Part to get it fixed...are you serious? After paying $2000 including financing on top which charged me $30 just to pay for the service I mean what kind of business is this charging for everything and the job isn't done. I'm so furious I can't even believe it. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CAR HERE FOR ANYTHING A BUNCH OF SCAMMERS AND UNPROFESSIONAL