Samantha is the colorist here that I go to. I am literally the pickiest person on the planet when it comes to my hair. I was getting mine done with extensions in Beverly Hills on Rodeo with world famous Anush, before this... so when I took them out and went full Arizona the pressure for my new stylist was on. I started going to Toni and Guy because that's where I went when I was young. I went initially to Casey at the San Tan salon but she was difficult to book with and I have a crazy schedule. She was also good. I came to Chandler nervous but Samantha has been great for over a year now! She gives me super heavy foils, helped repair my hair from the extension damage, and she helps me stay motivated to keep my real hair and NOT put the extensions back in. I always get complimented on my highlights. We do a full highlight every other time and a partial in between. Super cost effective. I defiantly would follow her wherever she went but Toni and Guy has always been consistent and good to me.