Amazing how my first review was a 5 and this is a 1. Can't be a zero because Yelp doesn't allow them. Chronic has always been my Sunday fall back when I can't think of any place else so I park by Sprout's to kill two birds with one stone. This afternoon I walked in two people were ahead of me to order and another customer was having his burrito air drying. I guess this is what the girl was doing. His burrito was flayed out on the counter like a spatchcock chicken. I don't know how long I was in there. Felt like forever but probably only a minute or so. She never moved. Never looked away from this guy unless she looked over his head to emphasize something she was telling him. All the while I was there she was talking. And since she wasn't adding anything to his burrito or touching it at all all I could think was she was letting it airdry. No acknowledgement that anyone was in line. And why only one person up front? So I left and will probably be the last time I have the ability to leave (meaning I won't be back) for sometime. Even at Taco Bell they acknowledge your standing there. I have noticed though the last few times I was in Chronic (I was there last Sunday) it has been sometime since a waiting customer has been acknowledged with a be right with you. Lately no one looks or says a word until it's time to order. The economy isn't doing all THAT well there are people out there that would really appreciate the opportunity to work.