First let me say I will never come back to this place and they jacked my Coach sunglasses!! I was impressed upon initially walking in b/c it smelled great. They offer you a free taste of bread as you walk in. My bf went w/ red, white and blue. It was good but not spectacular. I went w/ Coconut Walnut. OMG really good. but the service RUINED it for me.
We came in for a brkfst sandwich of which they only have 2 options eggs and ham or eggs and bacon - seems simple enough right? you also (acc'd to the paper you write your order down on yourself ) to add tomato or green pepper. Odd combo but ok. mybf ordered
1) ham, egg, cheese, tomato and green peppers
me i ordered:
2) bacon, egg, cheese and green peppers
well first she came back .. do you want cheese?
yes.. i circled cheddar.. ok
then she came back.... we are out of wheat bread do you want another?
well.. yeah (i dont want to eat a bread free sandwich)... what do youhave?
her: we have xyz and soudough
me: ok Ill have soudough (my bf ordered white)
we finally get our order - both were on sourdough I might add..
Neither had tomato or green peppers...
my bf took his bk and asked about it and she just looked @ him and said well.. what do you want me to do?
the BF: he said well can you fix it?
she started um... well.. um.. and um... er...
finally my bf just said well can you give it to me on the side?
HER: yeah that's a good idea. you can see the photo on the side.
I walked out and realized I had left my Coach glasses on the table. I went bk in and they were already gone. This was not a place I'd ever go back. After this neither of the girls would look us in the eye. it seemed like 2 girls that had no idea what they were doing.. One of them commented to my bf that they had been there since 5 am to bake bread.. um.. so that means its ok to mess up our order b/c you start your workday early?
The fact this place was empty should've tipped us off. As we left there was an elderly couple walking in, I said whatever y ou do just stick to the bread - the sandwiches are TOO COMPLICATED for them to make and they've been working since 5 (she said it, me.. so this was not an insult, just a disclaimer I was passing along)