Definitely a budget airline. You have to read and research everything so you don't get stuck with additional fees. We were stressing out since the week prior to our flight there were so many cancelled flights. We were lucky and flew on time to PDX. We paid for one bag when we booked online otherwise it would have cost more later. Seats were additional to their base rate. My family of four brought backpacks which were free as a personal item. Be sure to check in at home and print tickets at home or you'll pay $10 per person. The line for bag drop was long. The spirit employees were OK overall, not the friendliest, but not rude either. Boarding the plane was somewhat hectic. They called assigned letter sections so quickly everyone just randomly cut into line. They called A then literally 30 seconds later called B, then the other sections 1-2 minutes between. We were C, but they called D so quickly that my kiddos got pushed aside with people waiting on the sides then sweeping in that we were almost last on the plane. The seats were plastic lined with a padded cover. Good for a short ride, but I couldn't handle a long plane ride. The steel tray table was small, maybe 1/3 of a regular sized tray? It was fine for a drink and small snack. The flight was good and we made it on time. Overall, we had an OK experience, but not my first choice.