Very good place for a comfort-sort of soup and sandwiches.
The pho and the beef stew are big, inexpensive, and the meats are not skimped. Whether it's the #1 pho, #7 stew, or the one with the seafood I get warmed by the broth, satisfied by the different cuts of meat, and filled up with the noodles.
The #50 deep fried egg rolls are good and the BBQ pork spring rolls are very tasty. Occasionally I get the coffee with cream - I think it's much better than any of the chain coffee places. The banh mi used to have amazing, flaky French bread and now it's just okay. But the BBQ pork #75 with fish sauce, hoisin sauce, and Sriracha is still yummy to the tummy.
There is no decor. The service can be trying but it has gotten better in the last year or so. Twice in about 50 times have they forgotten my order. You just have to be aware and speak up when something isn't right. I used to go here once a week for 2-3 years about 4 years ago.
The place is all about the food. And I'm all about their food.