When We arrived at Las Vegas RV Resort, our first impression was that it was a super nice resort. The spaces up front had paved pads, gravel, a shade tree and a palm tree. We decided to stay 3 days because it looked so nice. In addition, there was a security gate manned 24/7. To our surprise they escorted us to the very back of the lot facing the stored rigs, the street and pads were all asphalt and one very tall Palm tree. We should have immediately refused the site and ask for something else but we were so tired we went ahead and unhooked our tow vehicle and hooked up. We have a small dog and the only place that dogs could go to the bathroom was in 2 dog areas. I had to carry my dog to the potty area because of the blacktop being dirty and hot. Well, the day we checked out we discovered one of our 2 bikes, hooked on back of our motor home, had been stolen. Security said someone probably came over the fence and stole it. The bike was brand new and very expensive. The whole experience was devastating! We Do not recommend this place. Could not wait to get out of Las Vegas!!