I want to give a hearty yay! to Patties for one main reason: I love that in a trendy night life zone like Old Scottsdale there is a more neighborhoody, almost divey bar like this one. It would be a refuge to people like me who avoids any kind of "scene."
Or so it seems. In short, I felt kind of bamboozled by this place. It's not a dive...unless maybe by Scottsdale's standards. I didn't check out enough places to be able to say this is the case.
I take issue with the fact that Kettle One is $8. Them's "scene" prices. Argh! Rather outlandish, especially given the deceptively grungy environment. I mean, there's "bar family" photos all over the place! You don't charge family an arm and a leg for a drink, do you? ;) I jest. You fooled me, though, Patties. I thought we were buds...