I like the fact that they offer like Chinese and Italian and German too. I know it's been Americanized but it's a small step away from the beaten path. Who doesn't love noodles? The fact you could take the family to this one restaurant and get something that appeals to you on that day. I may want pasta, but I don't necessarily want to eat Italian. And if you've got a big appetite they've got a bigger bowl option.
Let's not forget the gluten free thing. They have items that are automatically a gluten free combination and they have items that they can modify to make them GF with by eliminating maybe the croutons or switching out the type of pasta. It's not just one or 2 items they have great menu with numerous options that aren't just a salad.
Their website appears to show that they "recognize humane animal farming practices are critical to ensuring sustained food safety and high quality." Clearly something that is important for us informed consumers. Now if only they, and others like them, would steer clear of animals that routinely receive antibiotics.
*sodium conscious
*500 calories or less
*gluten free
And entrees for those
*watching sugar
*vegetarian-meat and fish
Lots of positive things.