| - Four stars is a composite. Here is a bit of a breakdown:
* Wednesday trivia nights: FIve stars. With a group, it's a smash. There are a couple dozen groups and all the tables are full, and the moderator is a gem, and the contest is an agonizing, elating, devastating, exciting way to spend a couple hours, drinking very good beer to boot.
* The beer: Four stars. A nice palette of styles, from a a double IPA to a Berliner Weisse to a scotch ale that is more like a quadrupel. That last one, the Plumptious, is my fave, and it's a rare treat, if you like quad and barleywine thingies - - this one with a light, zesty edge.
* The staff: Five stars.
* The food: Three or Four stars. "Spicy" wings were way, way, way too boring sweet, though very substantial and meaty; charcuterie plate was OK; fries were OK; the veggie tostada looks really good from a distance; I had another meal one time recently, but I forget what it was, which tells you something.