The Maddy. Poor dear has been sexually harassed and puked on by so many frat boys she has no self respect left.
This three story patio monster is in my top five least favourite places in Toronto, and I'm including both the Dufferin and Sherbourne buses in this list. Any Torontonian I would be friends with knows what I'm saying, and is aghast at the idea of spending an evening at the Madison.
I've been dragged here a handful of times over the years and never had a good time. A line up for a pub is always a bad sign. I am pretty sure they are 21+, which basically means it's full of 18-23 year olds drinking pitchers and vodka sevens. The only fun I ever had here was one time I was dragged by a friend's boyfriend and fellow Elite Matt M pretended to be Josh Groban. I guess that was sort of fun?
They serve pub food and it's bad.
Pepper is so pissed she has no quips.