One WORD comes to mind...FLIES!!! (FYI we were inside not on the patio) The whole dinner was spent swatting at the nasty creatures. Seriously, no exaggeration THE WHOLE DINNER was one hand swatting away flies and one hand trying to eat. Evidently the little buggers can not resist steamed mussels. ( I will get to the food part of my review in a second) Also, I am not a big fan of mandatory valet parking. No wait, I am pretty sure I don't like mandatory ANYTHING when I go out to eat. Not even the having to pay part, but I have come to accept this as normal now when dining out.
OK, on to the food. I thought the food was AWESOME. The aforementioned mussels were plump and cooked perfectly. We had a wood-fired pizza with fresh dough that was yummy. There is this thing called a Chef's Board that I highly recommend (If you are still bent on going in the first place) The dessert was a warm Nutella cake with vanilla gelato and coffee cream with bits of coffee bean in it. Now THAT was a delicious way to end a meal. Our server was excellent as well.
Bottom line is: I am not going back and I am saddened by that since the food was so good and so was my server.