Customer service was amazing! We had just about all three guys working chatting with us while we were in there and offering their advice on different products. I really wanted some of their prime ribeye but thought it was a little too thick for my wife and I because she like hers medium and i like mine medium rare, not to mention if i cut the steak in half, it's not gonna be pretty. As soon as i mentioned that I wished the ribeye came a little thinner, the polite young man from behind the counter said he could pick out a thick one and cut it in half if we would like. I ended up getting about two steaks (each about a pound @19.99lb) cut in half for a total of four steaks. I asked about hanger steak and got a little lesson on what it was and how to cook it. Ended up walking out with one of those too (12.99lb). I'll be back again, just wish i lived nearby!