-2 stars cuz a group of employees socializing is revolting to see as a former military chef and present customer civilian.
From before we got there (1430hrs) to after we were done (1500), the social hens waste the business owner's dime while the cooks still work. This might fly if this was the military and you can't get fired, but here? No. Oh no no. If y'all wanna talk about dieting and nutrition, get off your hiney, and get active. And split your "breaks" so I don't have to post this crap on Yelp. I'm usually positive but no. Memories of the Navy surfaced. So no thanks.
Great food. Thank you, kitchen staff, for a meal that even my luxury-eater kid ate entirely. Fish Sammy excellent. Could use extra tartar or less fish. No biggie.
Who's the manager? Mandate fewer females on job because it seems this happens. I'd be finding them something to do because there is always PLENTY to clean in kitchen or dining floor. Can we say field day?