I think that Mariscos el puerto is possibly the bet mariscos in town.
The ceviche camarĂ³n is the best I've ever had (don't let my mom find out). Everything is super fresh. You can taste in every bite.
They make this mango preparada that has al large bells and whistles. I can't describe how mouth watering it is. They have many other flavors too including original. Coco fresca! They literally have it all.
On to the best part, my first time here Monique, took very good care of me. She made me feel like part of the family. Told me about all that they have to offer. Helped me make my choices. Her service is second to none and as a service industry worker myself I can't explain how I appreciate it.
All in all, if you're looking for bomb Mariscos and great service, Mariscos El Puerto has it going on!