Well, after last night I'm done with this Mimi's. My mother and I have been going here for years, as long as they have been open. The last couple years this place has been going down hill. The price of the food has been slowly going up and the quality has been going down. When I pay $20 for dinner with a cup of soup that's way the hell to much for a glorified Denny's. My mom and I went here for dinner last night and the place was completely empty. We ordered and waited for our food. I always have the corn chowder because it's usually very good. Last night however it was way to thick and tasteless. I tried salting it but it did nothing. Then the waiter brought our dinner and right when he sat my seafood pasta down I knew something was wrong with it. I could smell a strong pungent odor that was not what it should smell like. The waiter walked away and I took a good whiff. It smelled like rotten urine. I am not exaggerating. This smelled BAD! They had also forgotten to put on the skewer of shrimp that I paid for. I called over another waiter to have him smell it and he said it smelled just fine. He then asked me if I wanted them to make another one so I agreed. He took my dish and went into the kitchen. A few minutes later he came back out with my dish and sat it down. It was obvious it was the same damn one he brought the first time. The scallops were burnt and the pasta was also burned around the outside of the dish. I tried to eat it but it was disgusting. The sauce was way to thick and the pasta was extremely sticky. It tasted horrible! I had one fork full and that was it. I pushed it aside and didn't eat anymore. The waiter came over later and didn't say a thing about the fact that I didn't eat my dinner. Not one sorry, not one can I get you anything else, no manager coming out to try and fix the situation.....nothing! This place has gone to shit. I will never be back. This used to be one of my favorite places but that's no longer the case. Do yourself a favor and just stay away.