I had purchased a Groupon good for six facial services.
I had a noon appt. scheduled at noon, on Friday, Jan. 17. The door to Mireji was locked, room dark. I called, got voicemail and left a message for her to call me if she were running late, I would wait. She did not return my call so today I contacted Groupon to investigate and copied Mireji on that e-mail.
These are the two responses that I received from Mireji--
"I'm sorry for your inconvienince. Unfortunately I've been home bound with the flu. If your so frustrated you can always refund your groupon.
Or reschedule
Sent from my iPhone"
"Besides the fact it's been 2 days why would my business have closed in 2 days in the middle of the month. I don't thinks we are a good match for services. Please contact groupon for a refund.
Sent from my iPhone"
I find it appalling that a business owner would be so rude. If you have a Groupon, I suggest you try to use it a.s.a.p. before she goes out of business.