Smoothest landing ever!!! I've always been a fan of US Airways since the good ol America West days and tonight was no exception. Decided to take a quick trip to SFO with the daughter to take silly pictures and hang out.. and eat. a lot.
We decided to try to catch the noonish flt back and unfortunately didn't make it. No worries! There's 2 more and there's plenty of room! Love it!
Sadly, delays in PHX (stupid Superbowl) resulted in the next flt cancelling and the last flt delayed by 2 hours. Yuk.
Things happen. The difference is how things are handled. The girls at the gate in SFO were awesome (2/1 flt 454)!!! Need to get their names... Super friendly, helpful and went the extra mile to make sure everyone was taken care of!
The crew was awesome and Jim in first was professional and extremely attentive!