Party with a paint is such a great idea and so much fun! Carole was great! My girlfriends and I went for the first time last night. We had a fabulous time!! We were concerned about the difficulty because none of us are very artsy, but it was easy to follow and all of our art turned out great (at least our moms think so, haha). Time flies by and it's a little stressful sometimes to keep up, but alas that is where the wine comes in... Keep calm and paint on! It is BYOB and they provide nice plastic wine cups or if you wanna go a little more country you can go with the red solo cup option. She also provided little complimentary dessert bites, which was a nice touch and yummy!
No matter what the painting is or drink or no drink, you can be assured it is soooooo much fun! We will definitely be doing it again. Thanks Carole!