| - At the last minute of the scheduled appointment time, they called to reschedule. We said "no" because our ill child was asleep at the time they wanted to come. They came anyway, at the time they wanted. They woke up the poor kid. Second time they were 10 minutes Late. They did a very poor job. No dusting, floor still dirty, and kitchen, yes, one of the most important areas, was TOTALLY missed. I mean nothing was done. Then they left with least 20 minutes early. So, the 2 hours we paid for was actually only 90 minutes. And, the 90 minutes is being generous since the 2 cleaners just chatted the whole time. As they were leaving we said, "wait, what about the full 2 hours." They said "we're leaving." We called the company to talk about the situation. Surprisingly, they didn't call back. Ugg.