So day one - Steinhafel's. The manager, in an eye burning yellow shirt, asked me if I needed help. I told him what I wanted. We looked. I found a sofa I liked but it was just out of my price range. I explained that to the manager and instead of taking any other normal approach, he invaded my personal space by learning in abnormally close to me. It was weird and in a very menacing manner, explained to me that this sale was only happening today and I needed to act. He would not be responsible for me losing the great sale. Fine, make a sale, but do not creep me out while doing it. Also, why so abrasive? Gross. Please change your shirt, you look like Dwight.
Day two - I really liked that couch so I went back the next day and then there was Bob!. Love him. He sat me down and priced out my couch. Wow. What a thought? Just sit down and talk with me. He gave me my options worked with my budget and length restriction. Thank you Bob. You manged to get Steinhafel's 5 stars and only lose one star for the manager with no boundries who is probably your boss.
Note: I have not purchased the sofa yet. It was late and I am going back when Bob is there this weekend. So there may be more to this story or at least a name for the manager.