| - I like Morton's. I have been to quite a few Morton's in my lifetime, but last night, this particular location left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
See I was there a wine event, and in my defense, I knew I should have made sure that I had enough cash on me prior to arriving, but I didn't think anything of it. After finally finding a parking spot and walking in then did I realize, crap I don't have enough cash. The young lady that was taking money for the even was nice and she stated that I could fill out a credit authorization form, which is me basically writing down my credit card information on a piece of paper for them to charge later. Yea no. I wasn't comfortable with that idea so she said to try to the bar as they should be able to help you.
So I go over to the bar and it was busy, but not overly busy. I made eye contact with both bartenders, smiled and waited. 5 mins later, I am still waiting and never received a " I will be right with you, or Hi their, what can I get you" however other patrons that came up to the bar after me were helped immediately. Yea FAIL!
Even then I was like ok, I let it go. Yes I was disappointed but I let it go. So go to try to find a manager to see if I could find a way to pay for the wine event that was going on. I explained the situation to the hostess at the door and she called over a manager or the head hostess guy, I am not sure. She explained to him what my request was he told that hostess "I can't assist her right now" (meaning me). She then said "but can't we just scan her card for the $15, it will only take a minute?", and the he again proceed to say, "I don't have time to do that so no I cannot assist her". Mind you I am standing right next to both of them as this conversation is happening. If you could have seen the look on my face. The hostess immediately apologies and I tell her it is fine, no worries and I turn to walk out the door when the manager or head hostess says to me, " Can I do anything else for you?" What the??!!! Are you kidding me? Hmm no, but thanks. You have been most helpful.
So needless to say that I did not attend the wine event and I left Morton's very disappointed. From the service I received at the bar down to the head hostess or manager. Yes I know I should have made sure I had cash on me for this event but seriously?
Funny thing is that I went to another place to calm down and to have a drink. Although I was upset, I still smiled and made eye contact with the bartender and she immediately came over to me and said, "Hi! Give me a second and I will be right with you". Get this, this bar was BUSIER than Morton's.