This place may be the single most important thing that will keep me from ever leaving southwestern PA.
I grew up with Sarris chocolate in my Easter baskets and Christmas stockings, and always looked forward to the various school fundraisers every year where we'd get a list of goodies for our families and neighbors to choose from to help raise money for... well, everything from clubs to the high school band. I've had some wonderful chocolate from all around the world: Ghirardelli and Godiva are good but they can't compare to regional chocolates, in my opinion, and of those, Sarris is by far my favorite. It's still an important part of every holiday. AND, the ice cream shop is awesome! My favorite by far is the ice cream (preferably vanilla but truthfully the ice cream flavor doesn't much matter...) with the Sarris hardcap topping. Melted Sarris chocolate drizzled on the ice cream (now you see why it really does not matter what kind) which quickly becomes solid... omg NOM. Oh, and you can take that particular delight home with you too- it comes in a microwaveable package for fondue or ice cream at home.
So good. Don't miss it!