| - For wine, liquor, and beer selection, Total Wine can't be beat. I'm not much of a wine drinker, and even I was impressed by the massive selection of wines they had. Almost each one has a small description on the tag so you have an idea of what to expect in your bottle. They have a pretty wide selection of liquors, with multiple varieties of each type. The rum and vodka selection was especially tempting.
I was in search of some Belgian lambic and headed over to the beer section. In addition to the common Lindeman's brand, they had 3-4 other brands of lambic, priced very reasonably. The 11 oz. bottles of the Lindeman's brand were about 1-2 dollars less than the prices I've seen at other stores. I picked up 2 types of framboise lambic that I hadn't seen before until now.
Check out was easy, and the cashier was very friendly and cheerful. If you're looking for value, selection, and quality, Total Wine is your place to be!