| - I cannot say enough positive things about my family's experience at this preschool. First and most important, our son loves it. He feels comfortable there and likes going to school. His teachers welcome him daily. There are ample opportunities for free play -- and gross motor time in an outdoor playground or a full-size indoor gym -- complemented by specialists in art, music, science, and Hebrew.
The skilled and loving teachers have been key to our experience: The classroom teachers are incredibly warm, nurturing, experienced, patient, organized, and communicative. I couldn't ask for anything more. I will never forget the teachers who, literally, with open arms helped our 1.5-year-old transition to school. The specialists are truly masters in their areas. The art teacher is absolutely in her element; her studio (yes, the school has an art studio!) has a great vibe, and it is amazing to see all that she does with the kids. She uses so many different media, textures, and manipulatives. (She also has been very patient with my son who doesn't like to get his hands messy!) The science teacher astounds us weekly. Her ability to make complex science concepts (light waves/color, gravity, animal behavior, magnetism) accessible to a preschool classroom is unsurpassed. Our 3-year-old has used the terms nocturnal, bivalve, and prism on his own -- and in the right context -- following her lessons. She emails a synopsis and pictures of the week's lesson a day or so after she teaches it so that we can see it for ourselves! (This also allows us to reinforce it with our son, or just talk in more detail about his time at school.) Music time is a favorite for our son. He has pretended to be the music teacher while playing at home, and his favorite songs to sing with us are the ones she teaches him.
There is a strong Judaic curriculum that includes holidays, Shabbat, prayer, and values. These are integrated into all aspects of the program. We like the foundation that our son is getting in this regard.
Any time I have had a question or concern, it has been immediately addressed. The directors have a great deal of experience in the early childhood field and make themselves easily accessible. It was important to me to accompany my son for a few days in the classroom before starting him there regularly to help orient and acclimate him to such a new environment and experience. This was welcomed.
There are weekly emails from the director including pictures of what the classes were doing during the week.
Lastly, the facility is wonderful. It is clean, bright, and full of toys and books -- and there are child-sized potties adjacent to every classroom. As I mentioned above, there is an outdoor playground (one section for babies and toddlers and another section with bigger equipment for the "older" kids) and a full-size indoor gym. The whole school gathers on Friday mornings in a warm-feeling chapel for "Shabbat Baboker" (or, as they say, to go to shul), a sing-along of Shabbat songs led by the music teacher.
The bottom line for us is that this has been a great fit for our son and for our family overall. We'll be sending our daughter there next year, too. We are grateful for all that the school offers -- the tangible and especially the intangible!