It was sunday and the husband wanted a pizza for the games. I guess I'm picky on my pizza because I am from NY...blah blah blah... you've heard the rant. Anyway, Girmaldi's is close by and I figured hey I remember the pizza's not being half bad I'll pick one up to go. First I had no idea if they did pizza to go, idk why I thought that I guess because I've always eaten there.
I called and said can I ask a silly question? Do you have pizza's togo? I felt so dumb, but the girl on the other line snickered and said of course we do I get asked that a lot. I'm sure she was just trying to make me feel better. I ordered sausage, onion, mushroom, and peppers (my favorite combo). She said it would be 20 mins, I don't remember the exact total but I know it was under $25, not bad IMO.
I got it home and it was good it didn't get soggy or anything like I feared. My husband doesn't always want pizza but when he does now I have a go to place. Now if only they had wings! =D