| - I have only two qualms about this place... #1 the owners came here from Minnesota to open shop, so naturally there is a lot of Vikings memorabilia around the bar and brewery (ehem DA BEARS), and #2... well I'll get to #2 a bit further down...
I've been to Four Peaks between 15 and 30 times--this is one of the best spots in Tempe without a doubt. Through a beer class I took at ASU, I've also had the privilege of touring the brewery and comparing the equipment and techniques of other Tempe breweries such as Sleepy Dog, Electric Brewing (which I believe is now under new management and has changed names), and even Gordon Biersch. This is a very sanitary brewery that goes above and beyond just having pride in craft beer. Since Four Peaks has become so big and successful, they are able to budget experimenting with new techniques, ingredients, and temperatures which has enabled them to learn from and refine their regular processes and deliver their standard lineup of like 7 or 8 beers consistently at any time of year. Furthermore, they often have unique seasonals that go beyond traditional beer--try to catch them when they have cask ale, barley wine, or something else out of the ordinary. You won't be disappointed and you'll have had yourself a one-of-a-kind experience--I think they have a calendar online where you can track this stuff. Creative freedom is a huge asset for Four Peaks and it clearly shows.
I've had a birthday at Four Peaks, many great game days, and I've even brought friends' parents here; this place is great for all (maybe not small children). The food is above average bar food (some pizza options, fish and chips, great burgers, etc.) and the seating arrangement is great. They DON'T have a/c so the summers can get a bit rough if you're not in direct line of a mister or fan, but it's very pleasant at all other times. There was this one time however (here comes qualm reason #2), when I came back from a Thanksgiving in Chicago and decided to catch up with some friends at Four Peaks. I had just bought a new pea coat (go Black Friday shopping) and it was getting pretty cold at night this time of year, so I brought it along. Towards the end of our meal, I stepped out of the restaurant, realized that it was too cold and I forgot my coat, walked back inside, and it was GONE. What. The. Hell. I asked my server about it, talked to the bartender, spoke with the manager, called back every day for the next few days, anything I could to recover my coat. Nothing. I'm a bit disappointed with the management for not making this right because I'm pretty sure our shady server that night (who I haven't seen there since) took it. She was really uneasy when I approached her and kept directing me to different people I should talk to. She also slipped in something like "someone came in and picked up a similar jacket tonight" and then when I started asking more about it, she was standoffish. I told the manager this, hoping that maybe someone could at the very least buy me a beer since my coat vanished into thin air (I suppose this is my fault mostly, I admit that) at their establishment, but whatever. I replaced the pea coat the following Black Friday.
Park along the street or in the back when you come by, but I strongly suggest finding a ride or dusting off the old bike because you're going to want to spend a "lager" time here... hahaha... ha.... hah....