| - I have to say this place is muey beuno!, even though it is in Mesa. I try not to go to Mesa, if I don't have too. (yes I am a snob, by at least I recognize that fact) Mesa to me is TOO suburban, in the middle of the Metroplex that is Phoenix. BUT (insert a big But here) You need to make your way to Mesa to hit this joint up. I can't say if it's authentic Mexican because I don't know what that means anymore, but Its delicious!, Like I said at dinner when asked "how's your food?" My response "Scrum-dittily-umptious!" (2 points to the person can name that movie this line is from) I ordered the grilled halibut, with Mango Chutney and sauted Spinach, of course it came with Spanish rice. It was perfect! I love fish done differently, and Halibut is great grilled. The smoky flavor of the fish, basted in a honey and spice marinade, with the fruit, put the combo in combination. After spending the day watching Planet Terror, I couldn't eat anything that resemble meat, or flesh, or BBQ. (zombies movies and food put the bad in bad combination) I did enjoy the green salsa with chips, the red wasn't so great however. They have a great atmosphere and really nice outdoor seating. It is very distinct and unique, and the service is excellent. It is a perfect place for kids, family, or just plain fun. I would say out of all the Mexican joints I have been too, this is the best in my opinion. Extra points because they serve crushed iced, not cubed. I love that with water or diet coke.
No threat of Mexi-cali blues here..Just enjoy the food but watch out for the balloon bearing, comedic presence of "Dirty Sanchez" It is this guy dressed up like a Mexican in a Sombrero, if you make eye contact he will start entertaining your table. The Mariachi Band is nice, I just wish they would stick to Mexican and Spanish songs, their cover of "It's a Small World After All", is rather sad. They take requests, and unfortunately people, want to hear English songs. I prefer the music in their dialect, it adds to the charm.