I previously had a massage here a few weeks back. Katie was amazing honestly the best massage I have ever had. Tonight I went in and had a different lady. I am not one to post reviews or be negative in any sort. I'm just weirded out on how absolutely horrible my experience was. It seemed as if she had no flow and never even touched my focus areas. I put my level of pressure at 7 and it was 1-2 at most. It was as if she took the hot stones and gave sponge bath. Zero pressure and zero rhythm she rubbed them all over my body for and hour. I almost stopped the massage but I didn't want to offend her. I'd like to go back and try again but I spent $50+ for a worst than terrible massage. I feel terrible to write this but I question whether she was therapist or not or that maybe she has been over worked and at 7 p.m. was completely exhausted. I never feel like a massage could be terrible because I genuinely just think it feels nice to be touched but I couldn't wait for it to be over. I didn't want to offend her I just am questioning its worth going back unless I specifically have Katie.