::sing songy:: "Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to be where you can see,
Our troubles are all the same;
You want to be where everybody knows your name."
Thanks Fred for playing that one last night. It made me really appreciate karaoke at the Flying Monkey. Why? Because it's totally true. As soon as I walk in, Fred gives me a hello. Mike buys me a drink. Rich knows I drink PBR. Sonny tries to dance with me. Someone offers me birthday cake for Chris's birthday. Maybe this is just because I go there every Sunday and sing my little heart out, but it's nice to be recognized in a strip of Tremont bars where, let's face it...sometimes its easy to be just another brunette wearing boots and a pea-coat.
Flying Monkey has Karaoke every Sunday. Fred deals with us on bad nights (after Browns games) and good nights (any night other than after Browns games) plus throws in his own rendition of a Darius Rucker tune here and there.
We just ask that you keep the doors closed for the neighbors sake. Oh, and lay off the Piano Man. Overdone.