Arrived at about 7:15 on a Thursday night. Took our daughter there directly from our indoor soccer match. We were promptly checked in a greeting nicely Qualities approx an hour before going back. Min counted about 25 people in the waiting room which turned out to be about 8-10 different groups
We were wheeled back an immediately attended to with taking vitals. Another 5 min and then back for X-rays. Return 10 min later. Then away for a couple more X-ray say another 10 min. Get my drift here - constant movement and help. Not go to this room sit for another 30 min, get something done , wait another 30 min etc.
anyway X-rays read (sprain no break). Ace bandaged up and done. Total time in the door to out the door less than 95 min. Sounds like a lot but try to get that done at ANY ER Definitely recommend for minor injuries and illnesses.